Thursday, January 15, 2009

a great little traffic exchange

Hi All I have been trying this new traffic exchange for the last couple of months with great results.
Some of the things I like about it are ~~~~~No Rotators, pop ups, frame breakers, no auto audio. Its great for traffic and I have been making sales, and getting sign ups for some of my programs Check out Snow Shoe Today

Special Features Available to ALL Member Levels
Progressive Ratio that increase as you surf every 60 sites
Next Day Multiplier that starts you out at a higher ratio the next day if you surf more than 50 Sites (up to a 50% increase)
50% commissions paid on any advertising bought in the advertising button
FREE Bonus Credits randomly rewarded as you surf
FREE Lottery Tickets randomly rewarded as you surf
Daily, Weekly and Monthly Top Surfer Awards
Ability to Email your 1st Level Down line once per week.
Ability to Transfer credits to your Down line.
Ability to use your extra credits to get more advertising (in house and outside)
Banner and Hotlinks are FREE as long as you have Active Sites in Rotation.
Basic Membership Level(FREE)
You ONLY receive emails from admin on Program Updates, contests, New modules, pertaining to our site.
250 Join Credits (after surfing 12 sites)
25 Credits for Each fully activated referral
$1.50 for Each upgraded referral one time only
Ability to Advertise 5 Sites, 5 Banners and 5 Text Hotlinks
2:1 Surfing Starting Ratio each day (2 visits gets you 1 viewing)
11 Second Timer
Earn from the surfing of 2 Referral Levels
1 Free Lottery Ticket per week (plus random surf tickets)

Gold Membership Level(3.77 per month)
You ONLY receive emails from admin on Program Updates, contests, New modules, pertaining to our site.
Surf 4 cash prize
250 Credits Per Month
50 Credits for Each fully activated referral
Ability to Advertise 10 Sites, 10 Banners and 10 Text Hotlinks
4:3 Surfing Starting Ratio each day (4 visits gets you 3 viewing)
10 Second Timer
Earn from the surfing of 5 Referral Levels
2 Free Lottery Tickets per week (plus random surf tickets)
System Assigned Referrals
Residual income 3 levels reoccurring every month
gold .......level 1 upgrade earnings $0.75
gold .......level 2 upgrade earnings $0.25
gold .......level 3 upgrade earnings $0.25
platinum level 1 upgrade earnings $0.75
platinum level 2 upgrade earnings $0.25
platinum level 3 upgrade earnings $0.25
Bonus $1.50 for Each upgraded referral 1st. level one time
Special Day Surf
Platinum Membership Level($6.77 per month)
You ONLY receive emails from admin on Program Updates, contests, New modules, pertaining to our site.
Surf 4 cash prize
500 Credits Per Month
100 Credits for Each fully activated referral
Ability to Advertise 15 Sites, 15 Banners and 15 Text Hotlinks
1:1 Surfing Starting Ratio each day (1 visit gets you 1 viewing)
9 Second Timer
Earn from the surfing of 10 Referral Levels
3 Free Lottery Ticket per week (plus random surf tickets)
System Assigned Referrals
Residual income 3 levels reoccurring every month
gold .......level 1 upgrade earnings $1.00
gold .......level 2 upgrade earnings $0.50
gold .......level 3 upgrade earnings $0.25
platinum level 1 upgrade earnings $2.00
platinum level 2 upgrade earnings $1.00
platinum level 3 upgrade earnings $0.25
Bonus $1.50 for Each upgraded referral 1st. level one time
Special Day Surf

Check it out today.
Snow Shoe