Saturday, January 27, 2007

Beware of the the big money claims

Beware of the money claims such as, make a million overnight , easy money,fast money, easy and fast money, and so ,
I have been working on the net since 1995 and at that time you could build a site and you could make money because there were far fewer sites. This was my first site The Passion Pit .
That was then this is now. There are millions more sites and millions more trying to sell you something that will make you a fortune overnight, whether its there ebook, or sales course,seminars,videos,or 1 days course that will teach you all you need to know about the internet. Some go so far as to try to get 7,000.00 out of you at the end of the day course for websites and exclusive software. What a joke.\

If you run across these and you will run and run fast, delete them and go have a coffee.
If you are going to make money on the internet you are going to have to work for it. Nothing is going to come your way that you do not have to work for.
The reason for this rant is a friend of mine asked me to go with him to this one gay seminar on doing business on the internet, he had paid 40.00 to attend this thing. So I went with him and for the entire day they spent on how easy it is to make money on the net with there program.
At the end of the day he looked at me and said I am going to do this it sounds great. I told himhe signed them a check for the 7,000.00 they wnated I was going to have him locked up and sent to the nut house. He looked at me and I said I can give you everything they have for free except for the websites and you can and get a free website.
The whole day was a joke the software they were bragging about most of which I got for free the rest I bought on ebay for about 5.00 each.
Another thing they tried to sell him for another 750.00 was a complete stocked store with domain name.
I took him back to my place and showed him one of my stores. You can see it here

I then told him he could have the same kind of store with domain name hosting and fully stocked for only for only $49.99! per YEAR not per month
You can get all the information here Well to say the least he just about fell out of his cahir he was so mad at them I thought he was going blow a gasket.
Since I started this blog I have tried to tell you all about programs that I use to really make money on the net. I do make money on the internet. No I do not make a fortune on here. You can make money on the net but do not fall for those make a fortune over night scams that are going around.
I have many sites that I make money with
such as
These are just a few of the sites I have and make money with. If you check each of these sites out you will find they have taken lots of work and time to build and maintain.
There are no free rides . If you want to make money on the net you will have to work at it.
There are some short cuts which I have listed some of them in previous posts on here.
I will continys to list programs and software that really owrk and that you can make money with,but you will still have to work at them to make money.
Well enough rant for today It just burns me up these folks you are making lots of money the net by selling you a pile of junk Thats how they make there HUGE money for nothing.
With that said have a great weekend.

1 comment:


ya i alway try to check out the big money one for validity and most arnt true