Thursday, December 31, 2009

12 Second Commute Ad and Link Tracker

Ad and Link Tracker
Do you know which ads and links are getting you the best results?

Do you know where your hits to your site(s) come from?

With the ad and link tracker in 12 Second Commute , you will be able to track pages, sites, URL's and more.
You will get easy to use reports which will allow you to only advertise in places that give you the best results.

Plus, you will be able to cloak any link you want so you never have to worry about losing affiliate commissions again. The ad tracker is the second must have tool if you are going to succeed online.

Try 12 second commute free for 30 days

1 comment:

samuel mowe said...

Hi great content The power required for this success principle resides in your mind. When you know exactly what you want, you have the power to focus your mind all your thoughts on the accomplishment of the things that mean success to you. No two people have an identical definition of success. The only definition of success that should matter to you is your own definition.