Sunday, May 02, 2010

The number one reason people fail online

The number one reason people fail online or offline is advertising and lack of advertising. If you are going to succeed, you must advertise. With 12 Second Commute you get one of the best ad trackers on the Internet, but it will only help you if you advertise, so how and where do you advertise? These are the $10 million questions, but we will give you as much help as we can and also make sure you attend the training conference on Thursday nights as Eric Burgoyne, the owner of will give you more information on advertising.

Let’s start with where do you advertise? The short answer is anyplace and everyplace you can. One of the good things about advertising is that it is all around us and you are only limited by yourself. There are plenty of free places to advertise, but most of them are junk as all you are doing is advertising to a bunch of freebie chasers who are only involved at the free advertising place to advertise their scams.

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